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Writer's pictureMama Bear

Why Are We Constantly Trying To Be Perfect!?

Updated: Oct 19, 2018

Perfection per-sssshmection!!

Whip out the cucumber and face mask and give yourself a break!!!

Perfection is completely overrated. Not to mention unobtainable. So why then do we constantly kill ourselves trying to achieve it. I must be the "perfect" wife, the "perfect" Mom, to have the "perfect" home, the "perfect" life...and if we are not all of these things, some how we convince ourselves that we are not enough. We are some how not worthy because you can't eat off our kitchen floor or because we don't leave the house looking like a supermodel. Then even worst, we beat ourselves up every opportunity we get for not being "perfect".

Aaaaaaarrrrrg why do we do this!!!! So many of us are guilty of this. I don't want to say all, because that is a huge sweeping generalization...even though I do suspect all of us are, to a certain extent. I know I am! Big time. Shew wee, I try so hard to be perfect, so often and deep down under the facade of perfection, I am a hot mess!!! Why do we do this to ourselves ladies?

I must be the "perfect" wife, the "perfect" Mom, to have the "perfect" home, the "perfect" life...and if we are not all of these thing, some how we convince ourselves that we are not enough. We are some how not worthy.

We need to seriously just take a chill pill and learn to let go and learn to love the beauty in the imperfection. We are so busy trying to keep the house clean and perfect that we are missing all the magic stuff in-between. Because if the pillow is not fluffed enough and we don't have the fresh out of the magazine look, with the home made cookie smell, the world will spontaneously combust and the Mom guilt will consume us and basically everything will catch on fire and we will all die!!!!

Ok so maybe that is a little dramatic but this is a genuine struggle for many Moms. We often feel like a failure and we struggle with this, trying desperately to keep our heads above water, quietly drowning. In silence. Without even considering asking for help.

We are constantly comparing ourselves to others and their lives, their picture perfect family. Their massive home in the best area, with its magazine worthy interior, wardrobes of designer clothes, their flawless skin, their top of the range car, their career, with the salary you only dream of, their children who eat all their vegetables and are always smiling and saying please and thank even saying all of this is exhausting. No matter what we achieve we just never seem to measure up to this perfect image. We are always lacking. We are always finding imperfections which brings on the guilt and self-criticism. We need to stop this!

No ones life is perfect! Maybe the woman with the porsche and designer clothes is struggling to fall pregnant and would give it all up for a precious little bundle of her own. Maybe the woman with the white picket fence and the 2.5 perfect children, has a husband who is cheating on her with his secretary. Maybe the super Mom who only feeds her kids homemade organic food and doesn't even own a tv, is deeply in debt and doesn't know how to get out of it. Maybe that woman who always seems to have everything together is crippled with anxiety and insecurities on a daily basis. Under every single perfect facade there is something that someone is struggling with, it maybe huge or it could be something small. But there is always something. We don't know others struggles. We don't know others pain and insecurities. And what we see on the surface is just that...the surface.

Ladies we are all beautiful in our own way and we are all trying to be better and do better. And that is enough. We need stop being so hard on ourselves and stop the comparing game. We need to empower each other as women, as wives and Moms. And we need to stop stressing about the surface perfect life, that is not real! We need to rather concentrate on the gritty, dirty truth, that is perfect in its own right. Piled up laundry, ready cooked meals, dry shampoo, kids in front of the tv just so you can take a breath, peeling paint and a car that just won't start when the weather is cold. So what! Leave the laundry and go play leggo with your kid. And your top knot Mom bun is fierce, rock it with pride. A home filled with laughter, a child with a full tummy and a happy heart, holding your husband hand on the couch in your pjs and a roof over your head, these are the important things. Look for these things, concentrate on these things. And be proud of these things! We all have so much to be grateful for and we all are all living worthy lives.

Be grateful. Be positive and give yourself a darn break gurl! You are doing so well!!!

Ps. Be the woman you see in your child's eyes when they look at you. Cause that woman is a dam rockstar!

"To be worthy does not mean to be perfect." Gerrit W Gong

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