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Writer's pictureMama Bear

Happy Thoughts

Because your thoughts become your actions.

Smile and the world smiles with you.

Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes we are too busy to even notice all the happiness that surrounds us. Sometimes bad things happens. That is just the roller-coaster that is life. There are extreme highs, devastating lows and all the inbetweens. During the highs it is so easy to find the happiness that fuels us. But sometimes, during the lows we have to consciously find the time, make the time to be happy. We have to consciously force ourselves to smile, to laugh to, to find things to be grateful for. No matter how hard life gets, there is always something to be grateful for, we just have to look. And you know what, sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it. Here are some easy ways to motivate a happier more positive life.

How to Become Happy in a few easy steps.

1. Take a few deep breaths. 

Even just one deep breath can turn down your “fight-or-flight” instinct and activate your “rest-and-restore” mode. Your breath is a powerful tool to ease stress and make you feel less anxious. Some simple breathing exercises can make a big difference if you make them part of your regular routine.

2. Find something in your day that triggers a feeling of gratitude.

Like I said there is always something to be grateful for...You had a good breakfast, you have a job, or you enjoyed reading the newspaper this morning. Your child hugged you extra hard that day. Absorb that feeling of gratitude for a few moments. Lingering on a positive experience helps embed it in your brain. Keep finding positives throughout the day. Make an effort to notice the good. The stranger who smiled at you on the street. The man who held the door for you. The message your husband left for you on the fridge. Keep finding the good and these thoughts will help push out the bad.

3. Take time to appreciate something that didn’t happen during your day.

No one in your family got sick, you didn’t have car trouble, and you didn't fight with anyone. Remember to keep things in perspective. There is always someone who is having a tougher day that yours. Who's problems are way bigger than yours. When you look at all the things that didn't happen that day, it helps you to be grateful for the day you have been blessed with.

4. Smile. 

Many people think of happiness as something that comes from the inside out, or from your mind to your behavior. But happiness can also come from the outside in, or from your actions to your mind. The deliberate decision to smile, for example, actually activates happiness-inducing chemicals, that can help lift your mood. This is where the fake it till you make it comes in. Even if you don't feel like it, smile. Smile at strangers, smile when talking to friends and colleges. Smile while walking down the street. Soon you won't have to force the smile, it will come naturally.

5. Slap a label on your negative feelings. 

Angry. Helpless. Sad. Anxious. Just labeling your emotions can help ease your suffering. Attaching a label shifts activity from the emotional part of your brain to the thinking part, making you hurt less and feel more in control. So put that label on it, shelve it and move past it.

6. Sit up straight. 

Poor posture can actually cause negative emotional states. Studies show that people who slouch experience more bad moods, lower self-esteem, and poorer confidence than those with upright posture. Sitting up straight can cause positive emotional states-a sense of confidence, assertiveness, and a happier mood. Good posture also helps your physical well-being and prevents many types of neck, shoulder, and back problems. So to lift your mood, pull your body upward. You’ll feel happier.

7. Notice the small pleasures in life and appreciate them.  

Little things are worth noting. Even the small things should be celebrated. You finished an email, you helped someone out, you have a friend who loves you. Small but important things. For the best results, bring pleasant objects, thoughts, and people to the foreground of your awareness. Linger on these good experiences and things. When you are feeling overwhelmed take a few minutes and think of all these little things that you have, that have gone well and that deserved to be celebrated but are often overlooked. Your happiness level will steadily increase.

8. Appreciate yourself. 

Think of one thing you’ve already accomplished or handled well today or focus on a good quality you’ve demonstrated - a start to a project, a phone call to a friend, or even an honest talk with a colleague that ended well. Drawing your attention to your strengths will lift your spirits.

9. Spend time with people who lift your spirit.

You are who you hang out with. So try surround yourself with people who make you happy and lift your mood. Distance yourselves from those who pull you down. Time with friends and family is extremely beneficial for you, research proves it can make you happier too. So when you a feeling down find that person who always makes you feel good, who compliments you and makes you laugh, then go for coffee or a dinner date with them, or even phone them just for a chat. This simple act will help lift your mood.

10. Exercise to boost energy. I knew, intellectually, that this worked, but how often have I told myself, “I’m just too tired to go to the gym”? It is difficult to find the motivation when you are down or exhausted. But when you just do it, you always feel better afterwards. It is worth the push. Exercise is one of the most dependable mood-boosters. Even a 10-minute walk can brighten your outlook.

So, stop with the woe is me. Stop with the negative thinking and stop with the excuses. There are so many ways to lift your mood and brighten your day. There is so much we don't have control over, but our mood and attitudes don't need to be one of those. Take control and become a better version of you. Do it for you!

“When I was five years old, my Mom told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I wrote down “happy”. They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life.” John Lennon

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