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Writer's pictureMama Bear

Happy New Year Y'all

Bring on 2019!!!

Cheers to an amazing year of growth and discovery

Happy 2019 Mama Bears. I know I have been missing in action for a while, I am so sorry about that. I have missed you all and I have really missed my blogging. But I had such an amazing break with my loved ones. I really wanted to be present and mindful of my time with my daughter. As a working Mom, time fly's by so fast and so many days we don't get enough time to just be. To be 100% present and just enjoy each others company, without worrying about things like; laundry, packing lunches, how many veggies did we eat today and just the manic routine of every day life. So that is my excuse for been gone for so long. Its a good one hey. I was momming hard! And it was simply the best!!!

I love my job. I love being with adults and working in the company I work at. I am one of the lucky ones who actually enjoy my work and my company. But I would drop it all like it's hot, to be a stay at home Mama with my sunshine. I was made to be a Mama. I have always known this. And that simple fact makes it so difficult to leave my child with other people while I go to work. I get that being a Boss working Mama is important for our daughters to see and I would love to work from home, that would be the ideal. We also need our little ones to see us being independent, strong and hard working. I want my sunshine to gain all these awesome character traits. But I am missing out on so much while being at work. *sob* Our little ones are little only once and they grow up so fast. I hate the thought of missing anything. My Mom was at home with me (she did not work) and I loved it so much. We are now best friends and she is the strongest, most independent woman I know. She didn't need a job to show me that. Anyway I digress, getting back into my work routine has just been really hard this year.

How was everyone's New Year? And how are the New Year resolutions going? I really wanted to share with you my resolutions for the year. I am not entirely sure how I feel about resolutions. They don't have the greatest reputation. But it's also nice to have an excuse to refresh your habits and lifestyle. So I decided to give them a go again this year. My personal mantra for the year is...Stop, breath, be present and grateful. I need to concentrate on being present with my friends and family and to be mindfully grateful for all my many blessings. I need to slow down and stop rushing through life. Taking the time to appreciate each stage of life and the journey it is taking me on. This will help me be a better Mama, wife, daughter, sister and friend. And my Career mantra is..Don't wish for it, work for it. Nothing good ever came easy. I need to work hard on my dreams to get to where I want to be career wise. I sometimes become complacent, overwhelmed and just want things to happen. But this is not realistic. I need to work hard for it and I am the only on who can get me to where I want to be.

My goals for the year of 2019 are; health, wealth and love. I want to concentrate on my health, both physically with improved eating and exercise. As well as mentally, my mind and soul, through mediation and mindfulness. I want to feel great in my skin. I want to have peace in my heart and I want to have a full, happy soul. I also want to concentrate on wealth. Both in the sense of making more and saving more money to help move us a step closer to our forever home. And also in the sense of really appreciating, acknowledging and being grateful for the wealth we already have as a family. We are so lucky for all we have and I sometimes loose sight of that. I need to keep all my blessings in the forethought of my mind always. I also want to focus on love and my relationships. I want to nurture each and every relationship I have. To make those who make a difference in my life know my appreciation and love. I want to lift those around me. I want to love them daily and let them know how loved they are. I also want to nurture my self love. To pamper me and make sure my cup is full, so I can full the cups of others around me. These are the goals I want to achieve in 2019. And I am so eager to get started on trying to be a better me.

Whoop whoop!!!! I am totally pumped for 2019 and I am so excited for my plan. Do any of you Mamas have a 2019 plan with your goals and resolutions? Let me know, I would love to find out your resolutions for the year.

"It's not about being the best. It's about being better than you were yesterday" Unknown

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