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Writer's pictureMama Bear

Get To Know Me

Lets play the interview game!

Since I am new to blogging I thought it would be fun to do a little informal interview. Here are some questions about me, which I hope will give you a better picture of who I am and my life.





What are you reading now?

Eleanor Oliphant is Fine.


Dying, being unloved and roaches, yuck!


My family, food and summer vibes.

My best friend

Lady Fee. I have known her my whole life.

Last song I listened to

POD - Youth Of A Nation.

3 Turn ons

Good manners, thoughtfulness and humour.

3 Turn offs

Self-centeredness, dishonesty and rudeness.

What colour underwear I’m wearing right now


What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

Scroll on Instagram or read.

How many tattoos/piercings do I have

Two tattoos. But only one piecing in each ear. (I did have my belly pierced but that hole has closed)

The reason I started blogging

For fun. For advice. For venting. For remembering. For myself. For others. SO many reasons.

How I feel right now

Feeling great. Counting down the days till Christmas!

Something I really really want

Everyone to just get along!

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

That there was an invisible shark that lived in my pool. He only came out at night though.

My current relationship status

Happily married.

Meaning behind my URL

Sunshine is for my daughter who is the light of my life and Giggles for the joy we have as a family, doing life together.

Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?

It depends. If it's something important to me, something I really believe in or supporting someone I love, heads on for sure. If its something petty or silly in my opinion or if it will hurt someone unnecessarily, I will avoid.

What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will?

My lack of motivation to workout.

My favourite movie

Moulin Rouge. I also enjoy a good animated movie and a good romcom too.

My favourite song

My favorite song changes each day depending on the mood I am in.

My favourite band

Same as above. A few of my best are...The Offspring, Maroon Five, Matchbox 20, Pink.

3 Things that upset me

Talking behind one’s back, rude people and the self-centeredness of today’s world.

3 Things that make me happy

My family, sunshine and good food.

What I find attractive in other people

Good manners, humour and people with a positive outlook.

Someone I miss

My grandparents.

Someone I love

My husband, my daughter and parents.

My relationship with my parents

The are my best friends.

My favourite holiday

CHRISTMAS! Hands down. There is no competition in my books.

My closest blogging friend

At the moment I don’t think I have any close friends who blog, but I sure hope to find some good friends through blogging.

Someone famous I’d date

Ian Somerholder.

A confession

I love any vampire, werewolf, supernatural love movie or series. I never grew out of this phase. And I can binge watch that shit, like it's my day job. (Also reality shows)

3 Things that annoy me easily

People who don't say thank you in traffic, being late and when people put others down.

My favourite animal

Dog Obvs.

My pets

None at the moment.

One thing I’ve lied about

I am a terrible liar. Like really bad. And I also really despise lying. So I don't do it. Look I am sure I have lied before, I am no angel. I just cant think of anything off the top of my head because I don't do it often.

Something that’s currently worrying me

Money. I think that's the underlying worry since I can remember. Hee hee...there is never enough.

34. An embarrassing moment

As a teenager I fell down a flight of stairs, sliding on my bum the whole way, while out with friends. I was absolutely mortified. But at the age I am now, very little embarrasses me.

Where I work

I am an animator at a private company.

Something that’s constantly on my mind

My daughter.

3 Habits I have

Leaving the house neat and clear everyday. I drink at least 2 liters of water daily, no matter what. Scrolling through Instagram mindlessly.

My future goals

There are so many but its basically to be the best version of me I can be for myself, my family and my career.

Something I fantasise about

Moving into my "big girl" / "forever home" home.

My favourite store

Cotton On.

My favourite food

Sushi and (hard shell) Tacos *drool*

What I did yesterday

Woke up. Got myself and daughter ready for the day. School drop. Work. School pick-up. Made dinner. Made Sunshine's lunch for the next day. Bath. Netflix and bed with the Hubster.

Something I’m talented at

Art. I love to draw, paint and write poetry.

My idea of the perfect date

Just a dinner out with my man.

My celebrity crush

Ian Somerholder.

My favourite blog

Number of kids I want


One word that describes me


Ok, your turn...Please tell me a bit about you? I would love to know a little more about you? Or if you have anymore questions you would like me to answer, fire away.

“Let's take a walk. You can show me some of your memories and I'll show you some of mine.” Adam Berlin

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