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Writer's pictureMama Bear

This Valentines Day...

Here are 15 fun, easy and inexpensive ideas to spoil your hubby (Even with the kids).

It's in the little things. The simple small acts of love you do daily.

My Hubster and I love Valentines Day. I mean any excuse to love on each other is a good one, right? But we don't necessarily like to spend a lot of money on it. We spend money and spoil each other for our Birthdays and our Anniversary. These are really special days for us and we go big on these days. Valentines day is a super special day too but we see it more as a day that is there to remind us to make more time for each other. A reminder to do cute things for each other more often. To write the love notes, send the date night messages and run the bubble baths. That's the purpose of this day for us, to remind us to do this stuff more often, not just on one specific day.

Also with a little one our priorities have changed. We don't need to go out for the fancy dinners and the expensive cocktails, just the two of us all dressed up (don't get me wrong, we do love to do this too). But Valentines Day is a day reminding us to love and our whole family is love for us. And we like to celebrate this day with our Sunshine as she is both of our mini-Valentine. She is quite literally, our love. So Valentines now, is all about family, having fun and showing our love together. But that does not mean we neglect the love we share as husband and wife. Our Valentines dates are just a little different now. We will do a fun date all together as a family and then we will make time for each other when Sunshine is snug as a bug doodsing in her crib. This means we have to plan our time more strategically, we have to be mindful of our Sunshine and we have to do this on a budget as we don't believe more money means more thoughtful.

Another thing we like to do it take turns. I will plan one Valentines Day and my husband does the next and we alternate like that. When it's his turn he will pan a date filled with all the things I love and on my turn I will try think of what he would love to do best, even if it is not as fun for me. This way everyone gets a turn of been spoilt and pampered just they way they like.

So in the spirit of Valentines, I have though up 15 fun, inexpensive, easy to do Valentines Day date ideas to do for your husbands. If you are a busy Mama on a budget this blog post is just for you ! Hola! I have written these all out, just in point form and will let my Hubster choose his favorite and that is the one we will be doing this year to celebrate our love. Eeeep...I am super excited to see what he is going to choose. I hope you and your hubby love these ideas too.

1. Games night. Ok so board games are not my favorite activity. In large groups I get anxiety and feel stressed, flustered and completely out of my comfort zone playing board games with other people. But with my Hubster I love them. He is my safe space after all. So why not set out a few of your favorite board games, a delish mezze platter, a bit of music, a few candles and a couple of bottles of wine. *And boom a romantic fun, filled date night.

2. Movie Night. Choose a movie from your mans favorite genre (and maybe a girly one for you too, if you can watch two movies in one go), set up a comfy love nest on the couch with some fluffy pillows and blankets perfect for cuddling. Prepare a feast of popcorn, coke, your favorite sweeties ect. Dim them lights and snuggle like teenagers on the couch. I mean really, how good does this sound!

3. Picnic. This is one of my favorite date night ideas. It can be outdoors under the stars or inside on the lounge floor with pillow, blankies and dimmed lights of course, it's completely up to you. I love outside in the fresh air with the stars above us, some chilled music in the background, loads of candles and a little cheese board or sushi platter, with some wine. On these dates my husband and I will stay up so late chatting for hours, solving the world problems on our lawn. Just the best!

4. Beach Date. Ok this one is a bit unusual and more of a merge between the family date and the husband and wife date. But my Hubster, Sunshine and I just love the beach so why not include this as a Valentines Day idea. Sure you are not alone, you probably have kiddies all around you and that may not seem like the most romantic date but you can make anything romantic if you try. Also can you get a more romantic setting then the ocean and a sandy beach (I think not). Pack a lovely picnic with all things your hubby loves. A few chocolate dipped strawberries, his favorite snacks and treats, even a sneaky, beer or two. Then leave a few cheeky love notes where he will find them, in his book, stuck to his beer, sneak one in his pocket. It's the little things that should mean the most on these days.

5. Dessert and Wine. After you have had a nice, little family dinner, the kiddies are clean and tucked up in bed. Set up a romantic table for two,with candles and music. Have a few different desserts to lay out on a beautiful dessert platter, that you can both share, with a couple of bottles of wine or your favorite drinks. Aaaaand done....dessert and wine date, romantic as ever!

6. Kids Take over! This is another one, for the whole family. It's also one for parents with slightly older kiddies. Essentially you hand date night over to the kids. They will be the chefs, the waiters and the ambient makers (hee hee see what I did there). Obviously they may need a little help and guidance but try leave it mostly to them. Give them the tasks of making the menus, setting up the table and mood. Creating the delicious meal you share and serving you on your every whim. Of course after all that work I am sure they will be expecting a hefty tip. But it will definitely be worth every penny. I love this idea so much, it really is such fun for everyone. And while your kids are whipping together an extravaganza, (even if it is just peanut butter sandwiches and Flings on the side) you and you husband can be holding hands enjoying the show.

7.Destination Dinner. This one may take a little more planning and effort but has potential to be such a magical night. Choose a destination or even better let the hubby choose. And then base your whole evening around that. If he chooses Venice for example...Have Italian music, brochette to start, his favorite pasta and Italian kisses for dessert. Dress up in a sexy little number and treat him like your king. Who would not love this date night idea!?

8. One Of The Boys. Get a case of beers, a few bags of chips, order his favorite pizza, switch on the sports channel and set up the beer pong table. And this one is as easy as that, simple and extremely effective. Trust me he will love it.

9. Romantic Walk or Bike Ride. This is another family one. Plan a morning where you either take a walk along the beach or a bike ride on the promenaded. This will be fun for everyone. You can take along a picnic to enjoy somewhere along the way. Like the beach date idea you can include a few of his favorites and those cheeky love notes once again. Its all about spending time outdoors enjoying each others company.

10. Spa Night. My hubster doesn't enjoy massages or any sort of spa treatment but I just love this idea. Once the kids are sleeping, set up a little at home spa, with soothing music, candles and massage oil (obviously you will need wine too, tee hee). Take turns massaging, pampering and spoiling each other. Maybe even draw a team bath with loads of bubbles and rose petals in the water. I mean really, can you get anymore romantic than this! *Swoon*

11. Breakfast in Bed. This is also one for the whole family. Rally the troops and get them all bundled up in your bed, make them some hot chocolate / coffee, and leave them with a puzzle or something to occupy them while you whip up a feast in the kitchen. Waffles with strawberries, heart shaped crumpets or even cute dippy eggs, whatever is your families favorite breakfast treat. Then serve it to them all in bed. Sure you may have to change the sheets after but this will be well worth the fun and giggles you share.

12. Be A Kid Again. Its arcade time! Take the whole family for a day of endless fun and games. It's the perfect time to win your sweetie that cute little teddy with the heart. Everyone gets to have a ball and you get to spend some quality time and laughs with your special people. And to make it an even sweeter day, how about some ice-cream Sundays after? Oh hells yeah!

13. Bar at home. First off Google some amazing different cocktail recipes. And plan out your at home bar menu...right down to the different glasses you will need and what cocktail decor you will use. Create a bar like mood at home with dimmed lights, some background music, maybe even some peanuts ect. on the bar. Once you have the right ambient, slip on a pretty dress and into your role as sexy barkeeper for the night (Include a sultry stare or two).

14. Back yard camping. This can be a family date or you can wait till the kids are asleep, if you want to have a little romantic evening under the stars, just the two of you. Set up your tent in the back yard. Equipped with a fire-pit, camping chairs or a picnic blanket, wine, s'mors, a bit of music and you are prepared for a fun date out in "nature". You can stay up late chatting or play some of the cute games you used to play as kids on camping trips like; truth or dare, twenty questions or never have I ever. Seriously this would be such fun.

15. Family hike. This is a great one for all the outdoorsy, sporty families. And you can take it as intense or chilled as you like. But how romantic is a walk out in nature, relaxing near a waterfall, listening to the sounds of all the birds and breathing a breath of fresh air. Pack a cute little picnic, pop some champagne and set it all up at a romantic setting somewhere along the way. This date will really recharge your battery and leave you feeling all loved up for sure.

And that's it ladies...15 incredible date ideas for you to use on your man this Valentines Day. Choose the one that best suits your man and family or even better let them choose the date and just keep all the details secret so they are still left with a fun surprise. This is what I am going to let my Hubster do. SO exciting. I really hope this helps anyone stuck with ideas. Please let me know if you have enjoyed this post and which date night you chose! I would just love to know which date idea was the biggest hit. Happy Valentines planing my lovelies.

***** With all the exciting Valentines Day planing ahead, I am sure you are going to be super busy creating all the magic. So I would love to save you some time and send you a few free Valentines Day Cards, for you to print out and write your specials a love note or two. Because you really don't need to spend money to share the love this Valentines Day. All you need to do is leave a comment below telling me which Valentines Day idea you would like to try most. Also don't forget to leave your email so I can send through your adorable Valentines cards. Please also share the love for my blog and Insta page, I so appreciate the support. Thank you x

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return - Toulouse-Lautrec

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