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Writer's pictureMama Bear

My Name Is Mamabear, And My Child Is A Biter

Updated: Nov 30, 2018

Confessions of a guilty Mama

I think this is the perfect post for Halloween. It is many Mama's nightmare. Like a horror movie that you just can look away from. I am currently sporting a nice little purple bruise from a little 'love bite' my sweet Sunshine gave to me.

Just like in a nightmare horror, your perfect little angel, with her blond ringlets, her peaches and cream completion and her cheeky smile, somehow morphs into this creature you don't recognize, a little gremlin! And she is out for blood! How did this happen?

I mean I feed her. She is definitely not hungry. She is not a vampire. Well at least I don't think she is. Then why oh why is she biting! Did we somehow jump from 17 months to the terrible twos overnight.

I mean I feed her. She is definitely not hungry.

I have tried everything to get her to stop this nasty habit. I have tried to reason with her. To explain that it's not nice to bite and that it is sore and mean. She just stares at me blankly (but she understands, she is very smart). I have tried saying ouch, rubbing it and faking tears like she has poked me in my heart. She just ignores me. Occasionally giving me a sympathetic glare. I have shouted 'NO, that is naughty!!!' and pried her off me, this also does not seem to help. She is unfazed. And I have even gently bit her back to show her it is not nice, I know not the greatest parenting moment (please don't judge, I already have Mom guilt about it). But nothing helps.

A few months ago (yes months...its been going on, on and off for a while now) she bit a little boy in her class. He pushed her to the ground and she did not know how to react, so she bit him. As a Mamabear I was both mortified and proud at the same time (my baby girl will not be pushed around). But I instantly felt guilty. What could I have don't to prevent this? What will his Mom think of me and my cannibal child? What do the teachers think? I felt like a bad mom. Like I was letting my child down somehow. But two weeks later my sunshine came home with tiny teeth marks on her arm. Yep...a taste of her own medicine. And I realized that I am not the only Mama struggling with this. I am not failing as a Mama. And this is just an phase that we are going through right . This too will pass.

She is just learning to handle her emotions. Anger and rage is a tough one for her. She is so little and the world is so big. I am sure it must be overwhelming. And I as her Mamabear just need to be by her side to help her through this. To show her a better way. And to love her through it all. So if you too are struggling with something as a Mama...just take a deep breath. You are not alone. This will pass. And you are still a kick-ass Mom.

" You know it was a good day if you didn't bite or hit anyone " - Natanial Parizik (age 4)

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